Christopher Anderson

Christopher Anderson

  • Professor
  • Editor, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly
  • Area Chair for Services Management
  • Regional Editor, International Journal of Revenue Management

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Faculty Expertise

  • Business Analytics
  • Services Operations Management
  • Revenue Management, Distribution and Pricing
  • Digital Marketing
  • Hospitality


Cornell Peter and Stephanie Nolan School of Hotel Administration


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Chris Anderson is a professor at the Cornell Peter and Stephanie Nolan School of Hotel Administration. Prior to his appointment in 2006, he was on faculty at the Ivey School of Business in London, Ontario, Canada. His main research focus is on revenue management (RM) and service pricing. He actively works with industry, across numerous industry types, in the application and development of RM, having worked with a variety of hotels, airlines, rental car and tour companies, as well as numerous consumer packaged goods and financial services firms. Anderson's research has been funded by numerous governmental agencies and industrial partners. He serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management and is the regional editor for the International Journal of Revenue Management.

At the Nolan School, Anderson teaches courses in revenue management and service operations management.

Recent Courses

  • HADM 6011 - Data-Driven Analytics
  • HADM 6910 - Hospitality Immersion I
  • HADM 6911 - Hospitality Immersion II
  • HADM 6311 - Restaurant Distribution Strategies
  • HADM 6051 - Revenue Management
  • HADM 4050/HADM 6050 - Revenue Management

Academic Degrees

  • PhD Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, 2002
  • MBA Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, 1998
  • MS University of Guelph, 1995
  • BS University of Guelph, 1993