Resources for Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs use Cornell resources

Are you a current student or recent alumni entrepreneur looking for resources to help guide you on your journey?



The Pillsbury Institute Entrepreneurs in Residence program enables students to learn through ongoing personal interaction with successful entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs meet one-on-one with students to help them with business development, networking, and career planning.

If you are interested in becoming an Entrepreneur in Residence (EIR), please contact

Students interested in meeting with our EIRs can visit our website.

Learn more about our Entrepreneurs in Residence

Entrepreneurship at Cornell

Entrepreneurship at Cornell supports the entrepreneurial ecosystem throughout Cornell University. Please visit their website for further resources.

Visit the Ecosystem Map to view a full list of Entrepreneurship Program locations.

Student Clubs

  • Hotelie Entrepreneurs: An entrepreneurship organization in the Cornell Peter and Stephanie Nolan School of Hotel Administration that helps students to express new business ideas and to experiment with ways to implement them.
  • Black Entrepreneurs in Training: A Cornell community dedicated to inspiring, informing, and initiating the next wave of future Black entrepreneurs. Through the creation of a space on campus for Black Cornell students interested in entrepreneurship, we can increase the diversity in the many entrepreneurial resources that Cornell already has to offer.

view the full list of student entrepreneurship clubs

Entrepreneurs at Cornell

Startup tree logo

StartupTree is a hyper-focused entrepreneurial hub where you can gain access to the entrepreneurship resources you need on your journey, with a single account.

If you are a student…

If you are an alumnus…

  • Reconnect with the Cornell eship community and other alumni under People and Mentorship
  • Give back to your campus by mentoring our most promising student entrepreneurs
  • Access eship resources and network at peer group virtual meetup events