Student Involvement

Student-Led. Student-Run. Student-Driven.

By getting involved with HEC, students from all majors develop leadership skills grounded in experiential learning. After first serving as a conference volunteer, students can expand their responsibilities each year by seeking management positions or joining the board of directors. Students plan and execute every aspect of the conference:

  • Student InvolvementNegotiating with vendors
  • Developing recipes and menus
  • Procuring all amenities and food
  • Managing a budget of $100,000
  • Creating all marketing materials
  • Connecting with industry leaders and speakers
  • Hiring and training student volunteers
  • Finding and inviting conference attendees
  • Collaborating with the Statler Hotel,
    SHA administration, and the dean

In addition to their conference-related duties, the students behind HEC organize other events throughout the school year including the “Mocktail” function for new students, the Homecoming Tailgate, and a “Pop-up” function meant to showcase many of HEC’s innovative menu items.

If you are interested in volunteering for this year’s conference, contact us at