Master of Management in Hospitality (MMH)
Degree Specializations

MMH specializations are customized areas of study that take advantage of the Master of Management in Hospitality program’s small class size, the expertise of Cornell Peter and Stephanie Nolan School of Hotel Administration faculty, and the extensive Hotelie alumni network.
How do I choose a specialization?
Intellectual curiosity will drive your specialization choice—consider depth over breadth in a subject area you’re passionate about. Specializations are informal and are guided by your educational interests and intended career path. There are no specific requirements for a specialization.
You’ll choose an advisor with subject-matter expertise and work to develop a plan of action, which includes selecting elective courses in the Cornell Nolan School and across Cornell, identifying professional mentors, and investigating industry internships and career options.
When do I choose my specialization?
Specializations are typically chosen after your first semester once you have had exposure to different business areas and career options in the hospitality industry.
What are some examples of specializations?
Specializations typically fall under the main business-discipline areas offered at the Nolan School, such as operations and analytics, service marketing, entrepreneurship, or food and beverage management. Within such disciplines, students might further specialize in such areas as revenue management, digital marketing, restaurant entrepreneurship, or wine marketing and distribution.
How will targeted courses and experiences help my career?
As you work through your specialization, you will develop deeper, mastery-level knowledge in an area that interests you. Specializing will also allow you to build a more precise personal brand and story for the marketplace; for example, “I not only understand service operations, but I also have deeper knowledge of revenue management principles and practice.”
Are specializations considered minors?
No. Unlike formal minors, you won’t need to “declare” your specialization or track precise course requirements. If you have academic or career interests in digital marketing, food-and-beverage management, revenue management, or service operations and analytics; for example, you can work with faculty advisors to craft a set of electives (up to 24 credits) that will enable specialization in one of these topics. MMH students with an interest in asset management and hotel development might choose to do the formal Baker real estate minor in the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business.