Student Involvement

Student-Led. Student-Run. Student-Driven.

By getting involved with HEC, students from all majors develop leadership skills grounded in experiential learning. After first serving as a conference volunteer or manager, students can expand their responsibilities each year by seeking higher positions such as becoming assistant directors or joining the board of directors. Students plan and execute every aspect of the conference:

  • Student InvolvementNegotiating with vendors
  • Developing recipes and menus
  • Procuring all amenities and food
  • Managing a budget of $100,000
  • Creating all marketing materials
  • Connecting with industry leaders and speakers
  • Hiring and training student volunteers
  • Finding and inviting conference attendees
  • Collaborating with the Statler Hotel,
    SHA administration, and the dean

In addition to their conference-related duties, the students behind HEC organize other events throughout the school year including the “Mocktail” function for new students, the Homecoming Tailgate, and a “Pop-up” function meant to showcase many of HEC’s innovative menu items.

If you are interested in volunteering for this year’s conference, contact us at