Master of Management in Hospitality (MMH)
Request Information, Attend an Event, or Visit Us

Interested in learning more about the Master of Management in Hospitality (MMH) program? There are several ways you can connect with admissions—request information below, attend an event, or visit the Cornell campus to meet current MMH students. We know the decision to pursue a graduate degree is an important one, and we’re available to answer your questions.

Informational Videos

If you’re unable to join us for an information session, learn more about our program through these short, topic-specific videos!

Visit Cornell University’s campus

Students walking outside Statler Hall

We welcome on-campus visitors who want to learn more about the MMH program and the SHA graduate student experience. Visit us in Ithaca, New York, to see Cornell’s campus and Statler Hall (home of the MMH program), have lunch with a current MMH student, meet with an admissions representative, or sit in on class.

You can learn more about general travel, local accommodations, parking, and more at Cornell’s campus visit site.

Request an MMH lunch, consult, or class visit

To schedule lunch with a current MMH student, request a one-on-one admissions meeting, or attend a class, please email the MMH admissions office at least two weeks in advance and we’ll help coordinate your visit. You may want to review Cornell’s academic calendar to ensure classes are in sessions so you can get the most out of your visit experience.

Contact Us

Office of Admissions
Master of Management in Hospitality (MMH)
248 Sage Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853