Stanley Sun ’00, MBA ’05
Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, China-Hongkong Photo Products Holdings Limited
Cornell Nolan School affiliations:
Cornell Nolan School affiliations:
Stanley Sun ’00, MBA ’05 is the deputy chairman and chief executive officer of China-Hongkong Photo Products Holdings Limited. He looks after the group’s overall business strategy development and execution. He also serves as managing director of Fuji Photo Products Co., Ltd., one of the subsidiary companies of the group. Sun joined the group in 2005 as a business development manager at Fuji Photo Products Co., Ltd., where he was responsible for the implementation of all sales and marketing strategies. Before joining the group, he worked at Fuji Photo Film in New York and Fujifilm Headquarters in Japan in the early 2000s, where Sun equipped himself with knowledge of digital imaging products. He is a board member of The Community Chest of Hong Kong, specifically involved with fundraising and event organization.
Sun earned an MBA from the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University. He was a member of the Cornell Alumni Advisory Board and has also served as a member of the Cornell University Council. In 2016, Stanley was appointed as a Cornell Asia Alumni Leadership Advisor for Cornell University.