Yuan Shi

Yuan Shi

  • Assistant Professor

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Faculty Expertise

  • Strategy
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Management and Organizations


Cornell Peter and Stephanie Nolan School of Hotel Administration


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Yuan Shi is an assistant professor of management and organizations with a focus on strategy at the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business. He received his PhD in strategic management and entrepreneurship from Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland.

Shi's research explores the long-term implications of the evaluation processes in the market, such as ranking, funding, and pricing, for innovation and entrepreneurship. He has studied a wide range of sectors, including entertainment, technology, and venture capital. His research has been supported by the National Science Foundation and the Strategy Research Foundation.

Shi's work has been published by Administrative Science Quarterly, Strategic Management Journal, Research Policy, Scientometrics, and Sociological Science. His recent work has been cited by the United Nations, McKinsey Global Institute, and popular press publications such as Harvard Business Review, Bloomberg, The Hill, and Vox.

Selected Publications

Awards and Honors

  • Best Reviewer Award, TIM Division (2019) Academy of Management
  • Runner-up, Best Student Paper Award, OMT Division (2018) Academy of Management
  • SRF Dissertation Scholar (2017) Strategic Management Society
  • Research Honors Award (2016) Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship, University of Maryland

Recent Courses

  • HADM 7144 - Competitive Strategies for the Hospitality Industry
  • HADM 4410 - Strategic Management

Academic Degrees

  • PhD University of Maryland, College Park, 2019
  • MS National University of Singapore, 2013
  • BMS Fudan University, 2011