Adam Walden

Adam Walden

  • Lecturer

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Faculty Expertise

  • Management Communication


Cornell Peter and Stephanie Nolan School of Hotel Administration


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Adam Walden is a lecturer in management communication in the Cornell Peter and Stephanie Nolan School of Hotel Administration. He teaches one of the school's freshman core courses (business writing) and an upper-division elective in intercultural communication.

Walden's teaching and research interests include collaborative writing, technology, document design, and writing pedagogy. Prior to entering academia, he worked as a government international trade specialist. In this role he assisted U.S. businesses to expand abroad. He has studied and worked in China and Hungary.

Walden earned an MBA with an emphasis in international business, and a bachelor of science degree in speech communication. Prior to teaching at Cornell he taught at Ithaca College and Westminster College.

Recent Courses

  • HADM 1650 - Business Writing for Hospitality Professionals
  • HADM 4620/HADM 6620 - Intercultural Communication in Global Business
  • AEM 2700 - Management Communication
  • HADM 7610 - Management Communication

Academic Degrees

  • EdD University of South Carolina, 2025
  • MBA Westminster College, 2010
  • BS University of Utah, 2005