HADM 6425: Introduction to the Global Leisure Cruise Industry

Spring. 1.5 credits. Letter grades only.

Enrollment open to: MMH students. Other graduate students by permission of the instructor. Undergraduate students must enroll in HADM 4425. Co-meets with HADM 4425.

Limited to Hotel, BUPRF & HotelPRF Students


  • Robert Kwortnik (rjk34) - Spring 2025


This course introduces students to the global leisure cruise industry—the economics, markets, and organizations that comprise the fastest-growing sector of the hospitality industry. Topics feature a conceptual grounding in cruise service management, including finance, strategic planning, demand and revenue management, marketing, distribution, hotel operations, marine operations, and human resource management, coupled with real-world application provided by executives from a leading company in the industry: Royal Caribbean Group. Students conduct integrative analyses that examine opportunities and challenges across the cruise industry.