HADM 4530: Foodservice Facilities Design
Spring. 3 credits. Letter grades only (no audit).
Prerequisite: HADM 2351 or HADM 3350, and HADM 3510. Enrollment limited to: NSHA seniors; juniors by permission of instructor. Graduate students must enroll in HADM 6530. Co-meets with HADM 6530.
- Lilly Jan (lwj28) - Spring 2025
This course introduces the basic concepts of foodservice facilities design and planning with an emphasis on restaurant kitchens. This course emphasizes general practices among foodservice facilities designers, including program development, product and workflow, equipment selection, architectural and engineering considerations, and project management. A brief introduction to computer-aided design software will be provided. Students will learn to conceptualize, plan, and create a design for a medium-size restaurant kitchen and front-of-house service areas.