Communication Center

Welcome to Spring 2025 semester!

The Communication Center will be officially open on Feburary 3, 2025.

We offer a combination of in-person and Zoom appointments
this semester.

To make an appointment, please click on this link “Meet With Consultant“.

Still one student per appointment time, and only one appointment per day.

The Nolan School of Hotel Administration Communication Center helps students further develop and fine-tune their communication skills to be industry leaders. It is not a remedial service—all students, even great students, sometimes need help.

We provide free consulting for written and oral assignments. We can assist you with any recurring writing issues you may find you have. We now also provide help now with PowerPoint slides, oral presentations, and hybrid reports as needed.

The Communication Center is not an editing or proofreading service.  We follow Cornell’s Academic Integrity Code and help students become more independent and effective with their communication skills.

Make an appointment for your free communication consultation today.

Peter and Stephanie Nolan School of Hotel Administration
Communication Center

330 Statler Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853-6902

Email questions or comments