HADM 6080: Introduction to Casino Operations
Spring. 3 credits. Letter grades only.
Field trip fee: approximately $150. Enrollment limited to: graduate students. Drop deadline for course is end of week one. Co-meets with HADM 4080.
- Soojin Lee (sl2634) - Spring 2025
Introduction to Casino Operations focuses primarily on the operation and ownership of US commercial casinos, and the hotels attached to them and Native American gambling. We will look at the historical development of gaming in America to understand how the industry has evolved to its present form. By the end of the course, students will understand the organizational structure of a casino hotel, how it operates and how it makes money. Students will also gain an understanding of the different companies involved in owning casino hotels and the current issues facing these companies. We will look at casino marketing strategies and player rating systems. We will examine the social and economic impact of gaming and the various regulatory environments within which casinos operate. We will learn how common casino games are played as well as understand the mathematics of the various games. Students will build on their food and beverage and hotel knowledge to better understand the specific challenges facing casino hotel operators.