HADM 4200: Principles of Real Estate

Fall, Spring. 3 credits. Letter grades only (no audit).

Prerequisite: HADM 2230 or equivalent, and HADM 2250 or equivalent. Enrollment limited to: non-Nolan undergraduate students. Nolan School students must enroll in HADM 2221 or HADM 3210. Co-meets with HADM 6200 (Spring). 


  • Sean Flynn (sjf236) - Fall 2024
  • Crocker Liu (chl62) - Fall 2023
  • Lauri Kytomaa (lvk7) - Spring 2024


This introduction to real estate finance and investment emphasizes developing valuation and decision-making skills. It introduces students to the business of real estate, including major roles, activities and players, terminology, and how the relevant financial tools, institutional concepts, and economic models are used in for sound investment decision-making in real estate.