HADM 3170: Hotel Leadership Development Program

Spring. 1.5 credits. Letter grades only (no audit).

Prerequisite: one semester (200 hours) of employment at the Statler Hotel.

Limited to Hotel Students


  • Lilly Jan (lwj28) - Spring 2025


The HLDP is a partnership among School faculty and Statler Hotel management, who together guide students and teach them how to become tomorrow’s leaders. HADM 2170 is designed to assist you in obtaining a better understanding of the hotel’s operations while developing your supervisory skills. As part of HLDP you will be managing your peers as well as individuals who have been in their jobs for many years, and both of these are challenging tasks. Our goal is to prepare you to become qualified and eligible for promotion to supervisor.This program enables students to progress through five different paid employment phases at the Statler Hotel, from entry level to student manager. Students who progress to the level of student manager become Statler Fellows and will travel to a major city for an all-expense-paid trip that includes forums with industry leaders, site visits of leading industry facilities, and cultural activities. Each phase requires approximately 200 hours of paid employment at the Statler Hotel and is completed through a certification process.