HADM 3310: Environmental, Social and Governance Strategy in the Food and Beverage Industry

Fall. 3 credits. Student option grading (no audit).

Enrollment limited to: Johnson College of Business seniors and to all Johnson College of Business graduate students Johnson College of Business graduate students should enroll in HADM 6310. Co-meets with HADM 6310.


  • Aaron Adalja (aaa362) - Fall 2024


Through carefully selected readings, insightful case studies, and engaging discussions with industry experts, this course delves into the strategic challenges faced by food and beverage firms within the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) framework. Through critical analysis of real-world cases, students gain a deeper understanding of leadership and development strategies relevant to the food and beverage industry and its role in shaping a sustainable global food system, with a strong focus on integrating ESG principles.